Vein (what we may encounter during a road of life & what we sometimes prefer to throw them away in water)

脈を象るもの (人生の道で出会うかも知れないもの)

V50 diameters, Mixed Media, 2004
Photo : Gallery Lacen Paris

I stamped “Exquisite Corpse” on the bandage in French. The bandage starts with “Naissance” (birth) and ends with “Eteindre” (to disappear).
It becomes “Renaissance” by connecting both ends. 
Life regenerates and continues as an eternal ring.


脈を象るもの (時には水に流してしまいたいもの)

60x15x15, Mixed Media, 2006
Photo:Gallery Lacen Paris

In connection with the bandage concept, I stamped “I do not want keep in my memory as experience” on toilet paper.


← “Road of time ticking”

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